Inner Work Through Yoga - France (Sept'24)

An exploration of the self
Inner Work Through Yoga (IWTY) is one of the Yoga-based offerings at Ritambhara and brings the wisdom of Yoga Sutra in a contemporary and contemplative way. It invites participants to engage in a self-reflective manner to understand their own life, actions, relationships and choices.

 The word Yoga usually brings up an image of someone doing asana-pranayama or someone sitting for meditation. asana and  pranayama brings mastery over our body and breath. Meditation happens as a result of the process of clearing the mind and focusing it on a specific object. A key component of Yoga that is often missed out between these two aspects is that of “inner work” i.e. clearing the mind. This is also referred to as antaranga sadhana.  

This program offers a practical and community approach to inner work that is very much the need of present times. It creates a reflective, non-didactical, dialogic and transformatory space for the facilitators and the participants to engage in inner work. Key ideas from the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, a timeless text of the human psyche, are used as a basis for this process of inner work.  

Meeting with a committed group of individuals week after week creates a sangha that supports each other to internalise this practice of inner work. Participants step away from habitual patterns of reactions into a space of listening and observing . This continuous and long-term weekly practice of observing and listening creates a bonding with each other, and also deepens and spills over into other aspects of their life, enabling one to listen to oneself, others and the context with more clarity.  

The program spans 20 sessions across 5-6 months. 
The next program starts on 19th September 2024. Every Alternate Thursday 10.30 AM to 12 PM IST.